Blackout, Insulated and Noise Reduction Drapery

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blackout drapery, noise reduction drapery  Enhance your home decor with thermal insulated blackout noise reduction drapery

If you want to block out the sun and heat of summer,
insulate your home in the winter, use blackout drapes and
you'll save money on your utility bills.
Blackout Drapery can help you get the sleep you need - daytime, nighttime, anytime

Blackout drapes can be made from almost any fabric ,

backed with a thermal insulated lining that sewn  in the back.

The combination of the two layers fused as one, blocks much

of the outside elements that would normally filter through your

windows. This light-blocking fabric can save energy, reducing
your summer electric bill, as well as insulating your home, and

saving on heating bills
blackout drapery, noise reduction drapery

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